Media outlets starting with G
Green Markets
Editorial content offers new ways to understand and analyze market trends and behavior. Also offers industry news, price changes, a one-of-a-kind repository of fertilizer market intelligence--News, Market Watch reports and Management briefs. It comes out in web and print format once a week on Fridays. Members see pricing on the following products: 10-34-0,11-37-0, 16-20-0, 16-16-16, Ammonia, Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Sulfate, Amthio, AN-20, Aqua Ammonia, CAN-17, DAP [Diammonium Phosphate], K-Mag, MAP [Mono-Ammonium Phosphate], Phosphoric Acid, Phosphate Rock, Potash, Potash Coarse Muriate, Potash Granular Muriate, Potash Soluble Muriate, Potash Standard Muriate, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Sulfate, Sulfur, Sulfur Dry (mt), Sulfur Liquid, Sulfur Prill, Sulfur Recovered Lt, Sulfuric Acid, TSP [Triple Super Phosphate], UAN, and Urea.
Green Matters
Green Matter is a Internet Magazine that covers developments and innovation in sustainable and environmentally friendly living. Contact via email. The fundamentals of working with bloggers are the same as with traditional journalists at traditional media outlets: respect their schedules; take time to read their material to learn their interests; and only contact them if/when they want to be contacted. You will also find that if a blogger is a journalist for another outlet(s),?Cision?tracks their contact preferences there as well.
Green Me Locally
Green Me Locally is a global resource for consumers to locate eco-friendly businesses, resources, green living information, events and environmental education in their regions.
GGreen Operations
Green Operations is an online magazine that specializes on flooring specific designs. Intended for Architects, Designers, Projects Managers, Facility Managers, and Flooring Contractors.
Green Organic Garden Podcast
The GREEN Organic Garden Podcast inspires, teaches, and promotes earth friendly techniques by interviewing organic gardeners who share their journeys, tips, and tricks to simplify the process of growing your own delicious healthy food. Available on Apple: And on Stitcher: A podcast is a downloadable video or audio broadcast show. Most podcasts are available by subscription through an RSS reader or other aggregator. The fundamentals of working with podcasters are the same as with traditional journalists at traditional media outlets: respect their schedules; take time to watch or listen to their material to learn their interests, format of content; and only contact them if relevant.
Green Park Call
Green Park Call is a weekly community newspaper written for the residents of Green Park, MO. This outlet offers RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
Green Party Blog
The Green Party Blog is a commercial political weblog based in the UK. It is the official blog of the Green Party of England and Wales. The blog promotes the policies of ecological sustainability, a fairer more stable economy, a more equal society, a higher standard of democracy and accountability of politicians to the communities they serve and the promotion of social justice on a global level. The independently owned site is updated daily and self-published. Blog posts can be found categorised under several sectors including: News, Policies, People, Members, Media Centre, Articles and Speeches. They can then be found sub-categorised under: Health, Pensions, Housing, The Banking System and Jobs. Posts range anywhere between 500 and 1,000 words and often include Vlogs or ping backs. PR opportunities exist but are limited to relevant news, conferences and seminars. Please ensure that you always provide a full postal address however you choose to contact the team. The Editor can be best reached via phone, email or post.
Green Philly Blog
Offers Philadelphia-focused editorial on going green, sustainability, eating locally, eco-friendly businesses and events, and more. The fundamentals of working with bloggers are the same as with traditional journalists at traditional media outlets: respect their schedules; take time to read their material to learn their interests; and only contact them if/when they want to be contacted. You will also find that if a blogger is a journalist for another outlet(s), Cision tracks their contact preferences there as well. The outlet offers RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
GGreen Profit
Written for flower, plant and horticulture retailers. Editorial provides timely, accurate information on their customers. Focuses on consumer buying preferences and habits, and includes statistics and trends from the latest surveys. Features include plant merchandising strategies and new variety reviews, along with the latest industry news.
GGreen Profit Online
Created for flower, plant and horticulture retailers. Editorial provides timely, accurate information on their customers. Focuses on consumer buying preferences and habits and includes statistics and trends from the latest surveys. Features include plant merchandising strategies and new variety reviews, along with the latest industry news.