Media outlets starting with N
Nubian Fitness Goddess
Designed for African-American women as a source of information on fitness and weight loss. Also covers nutrition and tips for healthy eating. The fundamentals of working with bloggers are the same as with traditional journalists at traditional media outlets: respect their schedules; take time to read their material to learn their interests; and only contact them if/when they want to be contacted. You will also find that if a blogger is a journalist for another outlet(s), Cision tracks their contact preferences there as well. The outlet offers RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
This blog provides coverage of the latest and hottest fashion trends and apparel, mixing low style and high style. The fundamentals of working with bloggers are the same as with traditional journalists at traditional media outlets: respect their schedules; take time to read their material to learn their interests; and only contact them if/when they want to be contacted. You will also find that if a blogger is a journalist for another outlet(s), Cision tracks their contact preferences there as well. This outlet offers RSS (Really Simple Syndication). For PR opportunities, contact the bloggers directly at
NNuclear Engineering and Design
Written for civil, mechanical and structural engineers working in the fission field, and reactor designers. Devoted to the thermal-hydraulic, mechanical and structural aspects associated with nuclear fission energy, comprising topics of civil, mechanical and chemical engineering, applied nuclear physics, and health physics. Topics covered include structures, fluids, thermal-hydraulics, heat transfer and structural materials pertinent to fission reactor engineering, design and safety. Coverage also includes reprocessing, waste repository, and decommissioning technology.
Nuclear Engineering International
Background and Format: Launched in 1956, when the first commercial sized nuclear plant went into operation, Nuclear Engineering International is an international nuclear publication serving the needs of buyers and specifiers worldwide. NEI provides news, feature articles and technical articles of merit on the civil nuclear power industry, from front end fuel cycle to operations benchmarking (quarterly load factors league tables) to decommissioning & decontamination. Audience and Readership: The magazine is aimed at chairmen, presidents, CEOs, engineers, general managers, technicians and consultants involved in the development, construction, management and operation of NPP and other utility projects. Deadline: 6 weeks prior to the start of the month of publication, e.g, for the April issue, the deadline would be the middle of February. For more details contact the Editor directly. Time of Publication: Usually the first week of the month, for more details contact the Editor directly. Circulation: Source: ABC Ad Rates: For information on advertising fill out the form here Also, see advertising contacts here
Nuclear Future
Background and Format: Nuclear Future is published on the behalf of The Nuclear Institute by Century One Publishing bi-monthly and is aimed at members of the Institute as well as non-members who are professionals who work in the nuclear industry. Covers news, comment, technical paper and interviews with industry leaders. For more information about advertising rates, Alex Killen can be reached at Circulation: Source: Publisher
NNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spe
Published for scientists and physicists involved in the development and use of instruments and machines in specific types of physics research. Provides information on design, manufacturing and performance of scientific instruments with an emphasis on large scale facilities. Includes the development of particle accelerators, ion sources, beam transport systems and target arrangements as well as the use of secondary phenomena such as synchrotron radiation and free electron lasers. Includes all types of instrumentation for the detection and spectrometry of radiations from high energy processes and nuclear decays, as well as instrumentation for experiments at nuclear reactors.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions
Published primarily for physicists, chemists, metallurgists and electronic engineers. Covers all aspects of the interaction of energetic beams with atoms, molecules, and aggregate forms of matter. Topics covered include atomic collisions in solids, particle channeling, collision cascades, the modification of materials by energetic beams, ion implantation, irradiation, induced changes in materials, the physics and chemistry of beam interactions and the analysis of materials by all forms of energetic radiation.
Nuclear Medicine and Biology
Published for scientists in nuclear medicine, biomedicine, pharmacology and radiopharmaceutical chemistry. Covers extensive studies proving the mechanism of localization in vivo whether the radioactive substance is based on receptor, enzyme, tumor antigen binding or other well-defined processes are an integral part of each evaluation.
Nuclear Monitor
Editorial mission is to inform citizens about nuclear power and other energy issues. Written for citizens and organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation and sustainable energy issues.