Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal



Background and Format: Healthcare Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal (HCPJ) is the quarterly journal of BACP Healthcare, the Division of BACP for counsellors & psychotherapists working in healthcare settings. HCPJ aims to provide a forum for practitioners to communicate with and learn from each other. Features are predominantly written by practitioners working in the field and include opinion, research, training, best practice and reviews. The journal also brings readers news from the BACP Healthcare division to keep members up to date with its work. Audience and Readership: The journal is read by counsellors & psychotherapists of all modalities working in healthcare, whether for an NHS service or a third sector organisation funded by the NHS. Deadlines: The editorial deadline is usually three months before publication.  Frequency: The journal is published in January, April, July and October. Circulation: Source: Publisher Distribution: The journal is sent free to members of BACP Healthcare. Ad Rates: Advertising rates can be viewed here. To request details or discuss requirements contact sam.edwards@bacp.co.uk. Manuscript Submission: For information about how to submit an idea for an article, or to register interest in writing a book review or submitting a book for review, contact the HCPJ Editor at hcpj.editorial@bacp.co.uk.





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