Background and Format:
The Rail Engineer is a trade title for the national rail industry. Written by a group of engineers, the magazine provides news and technical information of all changes and developments that affect this sector of the transport industry. The Rail Media Group also produce a monthly newspaper entitled Railstar, and www.railwaypeople.com, a rail industry employment site. Note: they are very rarely short of content as receive too many press releases so most editorial is paid editorial, often alongside adverts. It is a sister title to RailStaff magazine.
Audience and Readership:
Aimed at rail industry professionals:
Senior Executive (Chairman, CEO, Managing Director, Director) 12%
Senior Management 29%
Middle / Project Management 38%
Consultant / Professional 12%
Other 9%
(Source: Publisher)
At least one month in advance
Time of Publication:
The start of each month.
The Rail Engineer is individually mailed out to named subscribers, with a controlled circulation of more than 11,500, including 5% internationally. On top of this, the rail engineer news update email is sent to a further database of 12,000 subscribers. (Source: Publisher)
Individually mailed out to named subscribers:
South East 30%
West and Wales 16%
North and Scotland 24%
Midlands and East Anglia 25%
Europe 5%
(Source: Publisher)
Ad Rates:
Ad rates can be viewed here.
Social media
United Kingdom
Engineering, Rail & Rapid Transit
Background and Format: The Rail Engineer is a trade title for the national rail industry. Written by a group of engineers, the magazine provides news and technical information of all changes and developments that affect this sector of the transport industry. The Rail Media Group also produce a monthly newspaper entitled Railstar, and www.railwaypeople.com, a rail industry employment site. Note: they are very rarely short of content as receive too many press releases so most editorial is paid editorial, often alongside adverts. It is a sister title to RailStaff magazine. Audience and Readership: Aimed at rail industry professionals: Senior Executive (Chairman, CEO, Managing Director, Director) 12% Senior Management 29% Middle / Project Management 38% Consultant / Professional 12% Other 9% (Source: Publisher) Deadline: At least one month in advance Time of Publication: The start of each month. Circulation: The Rail Engineer is individually mailed out to named subscribers, with a controlled circulation of more than 11,500, including 5% internationally. On top of this, the rail engineer news update email is sent to a further database of 12,000 subscribers. (Source: Publisher) Distribution: Individually mailed out to named subscribers: South East 30% West and Wales 16% North and Scotland 24% Midlands and East Anglia 25% Europe 5% (Source: Publisher) Ad Rates: Ad rates can be viewed here.
Social media
Engineering, Rail & Rapid Transit
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IEEE Spectrum
Established in 1964 and serves engineering, engineering management and scientific professionals in the high-technology sectors of industry, business, government and education. Provides coverage of technology and its sociotechnical impact on current and future trends in electronics, computers, communications and related business areas of physics, mathematics, chemistry, medicine/biology and nuclear sciences. Special reports provide authoritative, in-depth assessments of new and emerging technological endeavors and events. Article submission to IEEE Spectrum is open access. Individuals and corporations have the right to post their IEEE-copyrighted materials on their own servers without express permission.
ViewNew Civil EngineerPublished by EMAP and founded in 1972, New Civil Engineer (NCE) is a weekly magazine from the Institution of Civil Engineers. After undergoing a major redesign in 2007, NCE now operates across multiple disciplines, covering a variety of issues affecting the civil engineering industry. These include the design and construction of buildings and structures, transport planning, the management of water resources, energy supply and environmental protection.
ViewVVada MagazineBackground and Format: Launched in December 2012, Vada Magazine is a gay lifestyle and opinion website that covers arts, entertainment, fashion and travel, among others. Audience and Readership: Their core audience is ABC1 professionals and graduates living in cities, who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. Readers are primarily from the UK (27.4%) and USA (25.2%). Their main hubs are cities with high proportions of LGBT people. These include London, Manchester, Brighton, Sheffield, Birmingham and Leeds in the UK; and Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, LA, New York, San Francisco, Orlando and Miami in the US - although they have readers right across the English-speaking world (including Canada, Australia and Europe). Of those readers who visit the website at least once a week, the gender split is about even between men and women. Their primary audience is aged 25-44, with almost all readers having university degrees or postgraduate qualifications (90%) (Source: Publisher). Monthly Unique Users: 90,000 hits per month, 60,000 monthly unique users (Source: Publisher). Ad rates: Advertising details and a contact can be viewed here. Other information: There is no generic email, postal address or switchboard number, contact the editorial staff directly. Gorkana Alert: Monday 2 June 2014 Vada Magazine, a gay lifestyle and opinion website, has relaunched with a new look and a new editorial line-up: Scott McMullon, previously Literature Editor at So So Gay, joins Vada Magazine as the Editor-in-Chief. He will oversee the running of the publication and has previously written for GT and Lustral Boy. He can be reached at scottmcmullon@vadamagazine.com and can be found tweeting at www.twitter.com/poisonedessence Taking over as Geek Editor is Jake Basford. Previously Gadgets, Games and Technology Editor at So So Gay, Jake is looking for releases on everything from gaming and technology, to comic conventions and Doctor Who exhibits. He can be reached at jakebasford@vadamagazine.com and can be found tweeting at www.twitter.com/mooseyjake Reggie Myers will head up the music section as Music Editor. He will be responsible for coverage of new releases, music videos and interviews with musicians and artists. He can be reached at reggiemyers@vadamagazine.com Amy Gunn continues as Arts Editor and is looking for material on arts and culture (including reviews of plays, books and art house cinema). Amy can be reached at amygunn@vadamagazine.com Elliot Rose will continue to manage the Fashion section as Fashion Editor. He can be reached at elliotrose@vadamagazine.com and can be found tweeting at www.twitter.com/elliot_rose Events Editor Adrian Everett is responsible for coverage of pride events and festivals. He can be reached at adrianeverett@vadamagazine.com For all other releases, Vada Magazine Publisher Adam Lowe is accepting all enquiries. Adam is also Co-Owner and Co-Director of Vada Magazine - with Creativ
ViewJane’s Defence WeeklyBackground and Format: Jane's Defence Weekly provides global defence news for industry and government. It has a reputation for breaking world exclusive news for those needing to be informed of the latest developments across the land, sea and air. It is available on CD, printed, online or as digital magazine. Audience and Readership: Jane's Defence Weekly is aimed at defence companies, military decision makers and governments. Deadline: No fixed deadline Time of Publication: Friday Frequency: Weekly & their online site is updated daily. Circulation: Source: Publisher Distribution: The magazine is available through subscription. Ad Rates: For advertising information please see here Other information: An alternative email address is defadsales@ihs.com Awards: 2013 - Aerospace Media Awards, Best Defence Publication (winner)
ViewNNature PhysicsImpact Factor: 18.791 (Source: 2015 Journal Citation Report, Science Edition, Thomson Reuters, 2016) Background and Format: Nature Physics is a monthly multi-disciplinary journal which covers the core physics disciplines, pure and applied, but is also open to a broad range of topics whose central theme falls within the bounds of physics. In addition to publishing primary research, Nature Physics serves as a source of information for the physics community through Review Articles, News & Views, Research Highlights on important developments published throughout the physics literature, Commentaries, Book Reviews, and Correspondence. Audience and Readership: The journal is aimed at materials scientists in academia and the industry. Circulation: The circulation figure is not disclosed. Distribution: The journal is available through subscription. Ad Rates: For enquiries the Sales Team for Europe can be reached on +44 (0) 20 7843 4960 and salesoperations@nature.com Other Information: The journal has no external editorial board, so editorial decisions are made by a team of full time professional editors who are PhD - level scientists.
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