

Resource for the seafood and commercial fishing industry. Intends to bring together a comprehensive offering ranging from marketing support to expert information to high-quality, competitively priced seafood products that can help customers build their business.





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  • BBC Northern Ireland
    BBC Northern Ireland

    Background and Format:BBC Northern Ireland aims to provide news, entertainment and sport for Northern Ireland, available on Freeview. Programme Maker/Production Company:British Broadcastiing CorporationTarget audience: Residents and visitors to Northern Ireland of all ages.Stats:We cannot issue audience figures due to contractual restraints. Please visit BARB at www.barb.co.ukTips for PRs: The BBC cannot accept traditional product press releases because the BBC cannot endorse products. The BBC will not carry out competitions.Awards:2019 - Amnesty Media Awards, Regional Media: BBC Northern Ireland – Spotlight: Buried Secrets (winner) 2019 - RTS Television Journalism Awards, Nations and Regions Current Affairs: Spotlight - Brexit, Dark Money & the DUP (nominated) 2018 - RTS Television Journalism Awards, Interview of the Year: A Nolan Show Investigation: The Arlene Foster and Jonathan Bell Interviews (nominated)2017 - RTS Television Journalism Awards, Nations and Regions Current Affairs: Spotlight: The NAMA Tapes - Corruption and Cover Up (winner)2016 - Amnesty Media Awards, Nations and Regions: Missing (winner)2016 - RTS Television Journalism Awards, Scoop of the Year: Spotlight: Public Figures (nominated)2016 - RTS Television Journalism Awards, Nations and Regions Current Affairs: Spotlight: The Hunter and his Prey (nominated)2014 - RTS Television Journalism Award, Scoop of the Year: Spotlight - A Woman Alone With The IRA, BBC Northern Ireland (winner)2013 - RTS Television Journalism Awards, Nations and Regions News Programme: BBC Newsline (nominated)2012 - RTS Television Journalism Awards, Nations and Regions Current Affairs and News Event, Spotlight: Sean Quinn's Missing Millions (nominated)

  • Field & Stream
    Field & Stream

    Established in 1985 and written for hunters and fishermen. Covers conservation and environmental issues, current news, how-to and where-to information and sporting ethics. Offers a strong literary tradition and informs sporting enthusiasts of products, techniques and locations to support their outdoor lifestyle.

  • Swindon Advertiser
    Swindon Advertiser

    Background and Format: Launched in 1854, The Swindon Advertiser is published by Newsquest daily and is aimed at residents of Swindon and Wiltshire. Covers news, sport and what's on. For more information about advertising rates, the team can be reached here. Circulation: Source: ABC (print and digital edition combined). Awards: 2013 – EDF Energy South West Media Awards, Website of the Year, Runner up 2012 - EDF Energy South West Media Awards, Front Page of the Year: Swindon Advertiser - Handchuffed (winner) 2010 - The EDF Energy South West Media Awards, Front Page of the Year (nominee) 2007 - EDF Energy South West Media Awards, Front Page of the Year, We're wearing it pink, Runner Up 2007 - EDF Energy South West Media Awards 2007, Daily Newspaper of the Year, Runner Up Alerts: Gorkana Alert: Wednesday 7 November 2012 Newsquest has produced apps of ten of its newspapers for the new Amazon Kindle Fire and Fire HD tablets. Apps have been created for The Northern Echo, The Oxford Times, The Argus (Brighton), Sutton Guardian, Worcester News, Stourbridge News, Hampshire Sports Pink, Colchester Daily Gazette, Swindon Advertiser and the Southend, Basildon and Castlepoint Echo. They are available from the Kindle Newsstand and have been developed in partnership with technology company PageSuite. For more information, Managing Director of Newsquest Digital Media Roger Green can be reached at rgreen@newsquest.co.uk Gorkana Alert: 30 May 2006 The Swindon Advertiser has a new look, with a cleaner, more modern style with the introduction of new daily features sections. There is also a new daily letters spread and three pages of Neighbourhood News from local correspondents every Friday. The new features sections, most of which have a prime slot just before the TV centre spread, will widen the appeal of the paper and give readers added reasons to buy it every day. They are: food and drink guide Taste, on Mondays, Family Life on a Tuesday, Business Week for Wednesdays, ents guide Out, on Thursdays and the Friday Weekender.

  • JOE

    Background and Format: JOE is a premium lifestyle publisher, which aims to produce 100% original content across areas including sport, politics, entertainment and culture. With a rapidly growing and highly engaged social audience of over 12 million, JOE prides itself on its continuous investment into journalism and its passion for creating entertaining, enlightening and inspiring content that people want to share with their friends (source: publisher). JOE launched in the UK in 2015 by Maximum Media – ranked the fastest growing media company in the UK and Ireland by the Financial Times in 2017 and 2018. For all advertising queries contact the sales team at sales@JOE.co.uk. Monthly Unique Users: Source: Publisher  Awards: 2019 - AOP Digital Publishing Awards, Best Commercial Partnership: House Of Rugby With GUINNESS (nominated) 2019 - AOP Digital Publishing Awards, Best Commercial Partnership: #Asktwice With Time To Change (highly commended) 2019 - British Media Awards, Content Team of the Year: Video Team (bronze) 2019 - British Media Awards, Commercial Campaign of the Year: JOE Presents: House of Rugby, Together with Guinness (nominated)  2019 - British Media Awards, Commercial Campaign of the Year: JOE & Time to Change #AskTwice (nominated)  2019 - Online Media Awards, Best Use of Social Media: 48 Hours No Sweat – JOE & Lynx (nominated)  2019 - Online Media Awards, Podcast of the Year: House of Rugby (nominated) 2019 - Online Media Awards, Podcast of the Year: Boys Don't Cry (nominated) 2019 - Online Media Awards, Commercial Campaign of the Year: ‘The All Blacks Alternative Guide to London’ #HereToCreate – JOE & adidas (nominated) 2019 - Online Media Awards, Commercial Campaign of the Year: JOE & GUINNESS - House of Rugby (nominated) 2019 - Online Media Awards, Native Advertising Campaign of the Year: JOE & Time to Change - #AskTwice (nominated) 2019 - Online Media Awards, Native Advertising Campaign of the Year: JOE & GUINNESS - House of Rugby (winner) 2019 - Online Media Awards, Video Team of the Year (highly commended)  2018 - ARIAS, Best New Show/Podcast: Unfiltered with James O’Brien (nominated)  2018 - Online Media Awards, Native Advertising Campaign of the Year: Fanta's The Rush Show with JOE (nominated) 2018 - Online Media Awards, Native Advertising Campaign of the Year: Total Tekkers with XBOX and JOE (highly commended) 2018 - Online Media Awards, Podcast of the Year: JOE Media - Unfiltered with James O'Brien (nominated) 2018 - Online Media Awards, Best Commentary/Blogging (nominated) 2018 - British Media Awards, Commercial Campaign of the Year: Total Tekkers - Joe & Xbox (nominated) 2018 - British Media Awards, Video Project of the Year: Total Tekkers (nominated) 2018 - British Media Awards, Video Project of the Year: Fanta's the Rush Show with Joe (nominated) 2018 – Drum Online Media Awards, Content Creator of the Year 2018 – Drum Online Media Awards, Podcast of the Year 2018 – Drum Online Media Awards, Best Commentary and Blogging

  • Sportsbeat

    Background and Format: Sportsbeat is a news service, with a head office in London, serving UK national, regional and international publications, plus online news services with sports news and information. They also provide page-ready production and subbing services and act as a media trainers, running NCTJ (National Council for the Training of Journalists) accredited full and part-time journalism training, as well as running a range of short training courses. Audience and Readership: Sportsbeat's services are aimed at UK regional, national and international publications. Distribution: Content is available through a login to the site. Ad Rates: The website does not feature advertising. Other Information: There is no generic editorial email, contact editorial staff directly.

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